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DISCLAIMER: GSA Professional Corporation in no way endorses the usage of any particular product or service, nor can The Firm be held liable for damages incurred by using any product or service.
Tax Guides & Other Sources of Information
•Canada Revenue Agency (Revenue Canada) – General
•Canada Revenue Agency – Direct to Business Guides
•Canada Revenue Agency – Direct to Forms
•Ontario Ministry of Finance
•Ontario Tax Forms, including Corporate, PST, Land Transfer, Succession (Probate,Estate),Appeals
•Ministere de Revenu du Quebec
•Index of ALL Federal Government Departments
•Service Canada
•CPA Ontario
•Foreign exchange rates
•Service Ontario
Mortgage Rates and Tools
•CIBC’s Mortgage Rates
•RBC Mortgage and Deposit Rates
•Tools – How much you can afford
•Bank of Canada Currency Exchange Rates
Newspapers and Media
Economist Newspaper
Globe and Mail Newspaper
National Post Newspaper
Toronto Star Newspaper
Toronto Sun Newspaper